Reality Show



Statutory Quantum Warning!
Studying Quantum Physics is injurious to health.
It can induce strange uneasiness.
You have been warned.
Read further at your risk.



You can't take another person's observations at face value—your reality isn't necessarily theirs.
You can't even trust your own observations from the past.
We are on the Slippery Slope.
But nobody said life in the Quantum Lane was going to be easy.
This story, can you be sure that it really exists?

Let us try to find out.
“The Great Reality Show” is over. Or is it?
Mother and son are coming out of theatre.
“Ma, tell me. What are they doing right now?”
“They who? Son.”
“Why? Those movie people. When there was “The End” and the lights were switched on, those movie people just vanished. Where are they now?”
This kid is precocious.
The Mother is at least two thousand five hundred –if not more- years old. She probably can answer all the queries. But the kid wants to know more.

“Oh, them? They are there in your little brain.”

I am sure, someday, this kid is going to ask, “When I am asleep will you be there, mom? Will the moon too be there?”

“Ma, will you take me to theatre tomorrow? I want to know ...actually have some queries for that guy.”


“Please don’t look at me like that.”
“Baby, they are not real. You can’t  go and meet them.”
“Mom, are we real?”
“Well, I should think so.”
“May be someone somewhere is watching our movie. We are mere projection of someone else’s  thoughts. SHE thinks Therefore i am, we are, he/she/it/ is. They are.”

“You and your English teacher.”

“Mom, this is not English! I mean this is English alright, but besides that this is Quantum Physics!”

Son, tomorrow will be another day. I am not sure. You may not see the same movie.

All stories of the world are only the different manifestations of the same wave function of the Master Story.  The Epic of Gilgamesh, Iliad and the Odyssey,  SHAKESPERE...  the ensemble of infinite human experiences of Reality.  Including Quantum shorts!

Similarly there is one single Theory of Everything! All other theories are but the manifestations of the wave function of that.
The “movie people” are in huddle.
“That little Kyurious Kid is coming back.”

“Poor chap. he wants to find out what is the reality. Are we or are we not!”

Let us all randomize for happy ending.
Characters are being configured.
Lights off, projector rolls, sound on,
Act one, scene one. Ready steady go.  
Characters, are getting into the mood.
“Wait a bit. The little kid is thinking.”
Little observer. Imagines, observes.
He observes, therefore “they” are!
“Oh here goes our free will for a toss! You free will do “ctrl, alt, del!””
“Now the little kid is programming us!”.
“We are following the little master. Master slave algo has been kicked in.”

Look at that old man over there.
He has seen everything that is to be seen, done that is to be done, felt that is to be felt.
For him the life is a joke.
Feeling of Love is just a wiggling electrical signal. Oxytocin!
Happiness is just dopamine, Neuromodulatory molecule.
And then there is Adrenaline for valour. So many moods those many brain chemicals. That much for your feelings. Are they real? Are you sure that they belong to you?
Looks like the man is a non stop chemical reactor.
But they say that the human being is a big data processor, a quantum computer.
So what is the reality?
Let us take a tour of reality, On wards to “Oh beautiful Copenhagen”, I love thee. But don’t ask questions!  Just enjoy the trip. Or ride on the pilot wave and visit the Whole New Worlds. Enjoy the Spooky show from distance “For whom the Bell tolls”.

Mr. Bell tolls for the Entanglement!

Or is the reality superposition of good, bad and ugly? Sort them out, filter them and catch the fundamental.
If only you could do that, you had a fleeting glimpse of reality.

To each her reality since the Reality is in her eyes only.  
Every man is an island.
Let me check you.
Did you see colors in my story? Say a dangerous red for the word “reality”?
Or amorous pink of the “heroine/hero”?
No? But that little color-smart kid  can observe.  
“Ma some people were colored blue, Are they aliens?”
“No son, it was black and white movie.”
Is the reality colorful? Or b&w?
And look at that guy.
He is the Reporter of the daily “Wigner’s Friend.”
He has been deputed by his editor Wigner to test the Reality Show.
Tomorrow he will report the reality of the show to thousands of Wigners. 
They take his report at face value because you have no real choice. If you went around questioning everything you perceive, you wouldn’t get much done. Is this rose really red? Just what is ‘red’ anyway? Such questions concern your conscious experience, but what if you’re not around to experience things? If a tree falls in a forest, and there’s nobody around to hear, does it still make a sound? Is the Moon still there if you’re not looking at it,
The Reporter is waiting. The poison has not yet been released.
He has to wait till the show is over.
Is  the cat dead or alive?
HIS conscious will engineer the “collapse” of the show for others. He will report the reality and the people will believe his “first eye” report blindly.
But the script changes every night.
The director samples the audiences. What do they desire tonight?  tragedy or comedy? It is 50:50 as usual.
Reality is superposition of tragedy and comedy. They call it “tragicomedy”.
The show goes on.
Please come tomorrow and visit this page. Lucky you if you find there had been no change.
Who knows? After all it may not be there.



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